

8:36 AM

It's Sunday, Sunday, gotta get down on Sunday.. Haha "Friday" lyrics suddenly rang in my head so I replaced Friday with Sunday! But anyway it's Sunday and I hope everyone had a great weekend! :) My weekend was spent meeting up with friends and having some girl-time like doing pedi + mani cure heh. 

Met Pris on Friday for Ramen play! We'll be working on an exciting project coming up on TCL!! Soo much preparations to go into it and it's the first time we are working together on this project, so hopefully, the results will be good! Quite excited about it tho! Keep your eyes peeled on our facebook page for updates and sneaks okay!! :D 

Food at Ramen Play was suprisingly good! The soup broth was tasty and quite thick! Pretty affordable as well. Both Pris and I ordered their specialty (sorry I forgot the name heh). Ramen Play is located at Bishan annex building! Just right beside the MRT :) I love the japanese egg it's super yummyyy. 

This was how it looked like on the menu :D Looks about the same yea? ;)

Pris demanded a photo since I had the G12 with me! She looks like she's shy to take photos but actually she's not at all!! Super uncamera shy please hahaha :p Photos of pris in her more glam state before I release the unglam ones!! Haha!

Okay series of camwhoring begins ~~  I look super cui here! No makeup face! Sometimes on certain days I feel lazy and head out without makeup! But I have been putting on face masks diligently so hopefully I don't look too zombified without makeup hee. Pris looks pretty as usual :)

Omgosh I have no idea what we were doing - Throwing dagger stares into the camera maybe? -.-

The oh-no-we-look-horrible face :( Hahaha had quite some fun playing around with the camera :D

NOW...presenting to you the dont-take-photo-of-me pictures!!!! I think we must have been really bored waiting for the food to arrive hahaha.  Really LOL-ing at these photos omgoshhh.

Unglam Prissss. :p

OTD! Upcoming TCL Birds Printed Tie-Front Top x Neon Lime Tank Dress! :)
Was going to head to town with Bree to shop for accessories for the Maybelline event on Wednesday!
So excited for the event! Really looking forward to meeting all of you even though there's only a handful who got the invites! :)

So many people think that I am the older sister even though Bree is 4 years older than me ): Bleahhh. Do I really have an old face? :( 

We had a shoot on Friday and I managed to take some sneaks too!! Sneaks are up on facebook too! But I'll just show some BTS heh. Here's Cons in a studded front top in black, chiffon cardi in white and her own lime bandage skirt! :) 

Spot the Zara inspired cobalt blue sandals ;) In suede <3 <3 
It'll be launched in the next collection, not the one tomorrow but it's super comfortable!!
I can't decide between black and cobalt blue, so I haven't instagrammed it yet ): 

MUST GET THIS!! <3 <3 Been looking high and low for these studded pointed flats!!
Comfortable and yes affordable too heh. 
I kept black because I can't carry off nude pink very well, but fair girls should totally get the one in nude pink! Cons kept it in nude pink :) 

Gold plated sandals which Bree loves! Haven't worn it yet, we have tons of sandals coming in, so I'll match them one by one okay? ;) 

Yipeee soo many new goodies coming in <3 <3 

Personal favorite from the collection would be TCL Weaved Dress in Cream! 
Wore it at the CKL event and had a number of girls asking about it :) 
It's not too long for a 1.6m girl because you can ruched it up like I did!
If not you can ruch it up lesser if you are taller! 
There's alot of workmanship that's put into the neckline details, so it's definitely worth it for the price ya! 

Went off to Town with Bree in the crazy rain zzzz. 

Haha catching the sister unexpectedly :p

Closeup of Bree's rainbow cardigan top :)

Bree changed sides cos this is supposedly her better side, but I think there's really no difference -.-
 We went to Charlie Brown restaurant for dinner! The decor is pretty cool. It's really all about charlie brown hahaha.

So cuteeee. 

I remember Macdonald's having charlie brown stuff toys for their extra value meals, and I have all of them! Used to be a huge fan of snoopy and charlie brown hehe. I'll never sell or give away those toys because they hold so much memories from my childhood days! Gonna pass down to my kids lo :p 

Their spicy chicken wing rice. Abit overpriced but it's considered one of the cheaper options in a restaurant in town already ):

 Tired me and my foodd.

Yummy lava chocolate cake! This is really quite good (Y)

They had this four seasons drink that came with a sparkle stick!! :o Imagine the surprise hahaha.
Spot the remaining light on the sparkle! 

It's a damn sweet drink! Sweet tooth people will really like this. This is wayyy too sweet for me tho :\ 

I can't stop raving about the studded flats, but here are pictures again!! :D

OTD! H&M Dress x Black clutch (sold on TCL long ago I think) x Studded Flats in Black! :)

OTD for Bree! Floral Panel Denim Shirt (Coming up in tomorrow's launch) x Lime Top x Turq Shorts! :) 

Hehe. <3

We went to do our nails together! Sigh Bree's design is soo niceee. She said my design was eons ago ): But I like polka dots, so who cares I still love my new nails nanananaaa. 
Bree did tribal nails!!! Mega pretty man.

Here's mine! It's supposed to be fushia and not red color! 
Give me a vote for my nails hahaha even though I think Bree's design wins hands down ):

Armswag for the day! Great to match for an edgy outfit :)

Okay ending off the night with night picture! Super bad eyebags ): 
I need to sleeep earlier! Trying very hard to hahaha.

Formspring me at www.formspring.me/bertillawong

Have a smashing week ahead because there's a public holiday on Thursday this week! Yay (: 

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