

8:57 PM

 It's Monday!! The start of the week..I think when you are a working adult, you'll look forward to the weekends and keep counting down to the weekends hahaha ;)

Wearing Chanel earrings because I think it goes really well with the outfit! :D Winged my eyeliner as well! ;)

But anyway, in case I do not have time to do up some sneaks for Wednesday's launch, posting an OTD first!! :) Here's me in our TCL Blossoms Crochet Dress in Pink!! :DD My mum loved it so much she wanted me to get a piece for her too! But I told her to just share with me cos anyway we are of the same size heh.

 Because the weather's soo good, shall spam more photos wahahhaa. 

Love the pretty lace crochet details! <3 It was a huge sell out on our racks! Comes in light pink and white :) In sizes XS to L!! :D


Picture with Bree! We hardly take photos together haha. I think we have grown to look more alike, and I DO LOOK OLDERR omgoshhhh :(


Wearing vintage owl printed blouson! :D

The prints are soo cute hehe. 


And so we woke up bright and early for our CNY series outdoor shoot the other day!!
It's always such a rush for outdoor shoots because the night before we'll most likely be launching and we can only plan the shoot after the launch!
End up leaving office at around 12am and having to wake up at 6am!!! 
But the hardwork is worth it because the pictures are sooo pretty!! And our models have to wake up at 530am for makeup! :\\ So kudos to them! 

Since Bree has already blogged about the shoot, I'll just post some photos here :p 
Cons and Gen looking pretty in this lovely lace overlay cheongsam top :D

And of course, my favorite TCL Crochet Blossoms Dress!! :)) 
Love this dress sooo much!!! 

What goes on behind a photo that you see on our facebook! Lights, the fanning tool (hahaha see the gold thing that Stephanie our new helper is holding!)

And of course, this dress needs no introductions because....just look at the prints!!! <3 <3 
If you loved our abstract printed dress, you'll definitely love this! 
The back is adjustable and can be worn straight or cross-backed! 
And in a skater cut as well!! What's not to like about this dress? :p 

And tadah!!! Divinity Clutch Version 2 ! <3 

Haha Cons looks so tired here :p
But of course, we had been under the sun for about 3 hours plus :\

If you haven't seen our sneaks on facebook, you are missing out!!
Giveaways are also up on instagram and facebook! :) 

Okay off to prepare for the launch!
Formspring me and I'll see if I can squeeze in some time to reply :)

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