9:27 PM
And so two weeks ago I was given the opportunity to attend a SK-II event thanks to one of my NUS friends, Wendy!! :)
It was the media event for their stempower essence launch!
It's actually my first time at a media launch event, and it was surely an eye-opener for me! :)
The event was held at The Penthouse, High Street Centre!
Such a beautiful apartment with pretty furniture and decor to match the color theme. :)
We were seated shortly and given a brief introduction on the event.
It was quite interesting because we were asked to do a quiz on our psychological age! :)
Some snippets from the short quiz! :)
This was the first room we headed to learn about the main ingredients in the stempower essence!
And so, we learnt that there are four ingredients in the new stempower essence - Stem-Acanex, Pitera, Artichoke Extract and Kinren Extract. Just some scientific information over here which I think it'll help you to understand how powerful this stempower essence is:
So basically our skin loses its inner resilience as we grow older, which results in bigger pores!! This is why as you start to grow older, you'll realize that the pores on your skin become bigger! ):
After much intensive research, SK-II's joint study with some of the world's foremost authorities in skin cell function research has revealed that by turning on our skin's "Master Switch", it enables the protection of epidermal root cells. This will lead to poreless and bouncy skin!!
If you have learnt biology before, you'll know that to activate an enzyme you need a a catalyst, so this works in the same way!!
The Kinren extract has been found to be the key ingredient in this "Master Switch".
So from this plant you see below, you can actually find both the kinren and artichoke!!
However, I am so sorry but I can't really remember which is which. ):
However, I am so sorry but I can't really remember which is which. ):
We could even taste the Kinren and Artichoke!! :)
From left to right, aged skin which is super soft when you press on it, and poreless looking skin which is firm and bouncy when you press on it! :)
After that, we were brought to the second room to find out how efficient the stempower essence is in preventing an apple from oxidizing! :)

Materials used to prepare the experiment!
Here's Melody and Bree working on the experiment! :)
This is the end result!
You can see that compared to essence X, the apple bits with SK-II's stempower essence is less oxidized!
Water is just a control used in this experiment. :)
We were also taught how to maximize the effects of the stempower cream with a simple facial massage! :)
I tried to take a snapshot of the screen for you girls!
If you have any questions I can answer you on askfm! :)
It's really easy and it's supposed to help lift your face instantly! I actually massage my face now before I sleep, when I am applying serums on my face heh.
Some snapshots with Bree and Melody at the event! :)
I have never tried SK-II's products before, but after this event I'll definitely be trying these two out! :)
Will do a review on these two products if any of you are interested! :D
OTD for the event! Dressed up in full white hehe. :)
Felt sooo girly in this dress heh.
Dress: *Premium* Jubilant Crochet Dress (
Heels: Jeffrey Campbell
Watch: Nautical
Bracelet: Pandora
Close-up of the pretty details. :)
I really lovee this dress!
Our premium range is priced higher than the usual, but I assure you that the quality is fab and comparable to the quality of the higher end brands! :)
Headed over the Khym's house for a mini baking session! :)
We baked molten lava cake and cupcakes (using sprinkle cupcake mix) hehe!
Fel the masterchef with the recipe! :)
Yeap, here's the ingredients needed to bake the molten lava cake!
Eggs, butter, sugar, flour, chocolate! :)
Fel hard at work! :p
Break the chocolate into a bowl! :)
Add the butter into the chocolate bits and double boil it so that the chocolate will melt! :)
Cheryl who was back from her Europe trip! :) And she's wearing an old TCL top hehehe.
This is how it'll look when you double boil the chocolate and butter bits, BUTTT please use a bowl that fits nicely into the pot! If not it'll overturn. ): Which was exactly what happened to this bowl hahaha.
Coat the bowls with butter so that the cake won't stick to the sides! :)
Tadah! Our molten lava mix! :)
Fel placed the mix in a ziplock bag and cut a hole at the side! :)
SPRINKLE CUPCAKES!!! It's supposed to be damn awesome and it is really popular in USA apparently hahaha.
Pouring the eggs into the mix!
And we placed them into the oven! :)
Yummy molten lava cakes and cupcakes (without icing hahaha)! :)
I am actually in Sydney right now as I am typing this! :)
Off for lunch with Glen, follow my instagram @bertillawong if you wish to see food pics in Oz!
They have realllly awesome cafes and restaurants here! :D
Ask me anything on ! :)
AND if you haven't heard, there's a sale up on TCL!!
Shop !!
Have a lovely weekend! (:
Shop !!
Have a lovely weekend! (: